British-based streaming subscription service LoveFilm has just added a very valuable weapon to its arsenal against the invading American film and television force Netflix – grabbing an exclusive and lucrative partnership with NBC Universal.

Netflix arrived at the very beginning of the year after bringing some replayable resources of its own as well as adding a few on its slow journey overseas including SAW and Expendables distributor Lionsgate. Meanwhile on this side of the pond LoveFilm was working hard to brace for the impending assault on its customer base and grabbed a few sweet deals of its own including one with Sony Pictures and Television.

The exclusive union with NBC Universal will reinforce LoveFilm and offer its £4.99 per month subscribers a wide range of new content including top U.S comedy shows through NBC such as Chuck and Community and recent fantasy thriller Grimm. The massive movie library available through Universal Pictures 100 year history could feature Blockbuster titles such as E.T, Jurassic Park and more recent films like the latest American Pie Reunion movie when it’s released onto the DVD and Blu-Ray rental market.

LoveFilm, like rival Netflix, is available on Windows PCs and Apple Macs, as well as Android smartphones and tablets and iPhone and iPad – and not forgetting Xbox LIVE.

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