Stress Relief Digitally With These Sites & Apps

Stress relief is a sought after commodity akin to gold in value, some may say. The value is all yours to enjoy though. Here at Gadgethelpline we understand that living in a digital age can be very stressful. So many notifications, so many events, hard to keep up sometimes right?

This is the very reason we have looked into some stress relieving apps. You can say we have taken the stress out of having to search through reviews etc. 

We have stayed away from meditation apps. There are quite literally hundreds of them. They all generally follow the same rules for meditation: Main goal to remove yourself from anywhere while remaining present. Hard to do when you are monitoring a smart device to do this. 

That being said, first you definitely need to check out the fluid simulator:

Stress Relief 1 – Fluid simulator

If you are at a personal computer during your working day then this could be exactly what you need. IT is a web page and will run on all browsers. The site has very little network impact once loaded and in use. We tested it to check just for this. 

There are a multitude of settings to play with too. The perfect de-stresser, just watch those swirls and feel the cares fall away.

Fluid simulation browser page

You can also download the IOS version here

Stress Relief 2 – Infinity Loop

This is an android app, i refrain from calling it a game, its more a relaxing puzzle. There is no real challenge to the puzzles but they do serve to calm your inner turmoil a little. 

Android Play store


Stress Relief 3  – Magic Fluids

This is specifically an app. Unlike the fluid simulator, this ones an app so no browser involved. It is very similar to the browser variant. Main difference is there are not huge amounts of settings to play with. Unfortunately, if you want the really fancy swirls, you will need to put your hands in your pocket.

Android Play store


Thanks again for reading.

For other gadget, app, and digital wellness information, check out Gadgethelpline.