Tablet sales outstrip Netbook sales for the first time

PC, your days are numbered. As the latest figures are released from industry analysts, it appears that the experts were right – we’re heading towards a post-PC era. This idea is strengthened today by figures from ABI Research, who claim that the last quarter has seen tablets outsell netbooks for the first time.

The numbers suggest that in Q2 2011, 13.6 million tablets have found themselves at home, compared to just 7.3 million netbooks. While you could argue that the netbook’s day has been up for a while, it’s certainly a sign of what might lay ahead.

Apple signposted that it thinks we’re moving towards a Post-PC world earlier this year, by downgrading the role your computer has in syncing with iOS devices and making them able to run out of the box without one.

Likewise, ASUS, who pioneered the netbook movement, is now selling a range of Eee Pad Transformer devices that are able to swap from tablet to netbook. Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.