Tag: hololens
Yugioh AR – Alpha Demo, Move Over Pokemon?
Yugioh AR, the thought of it is enough to make some of us here at Gadgethelpline seriously consider loan applications in our desperation to get hold of a Hololens. A number of moons ago, I too was a Yu-Gi-Oh player and once managed to get to the UK finals. Shortly after the finals i quit…
Whats New In Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality Augmented reality, not quite on everyone’s lips currently but there are definite stirrings amongst the masses for AR other than Pokemon related. As we are always interested in anything new that pops up concerning Augmented reality we listed a few points of interest below. These should whet your Virtual appetite. Tankfest Tankfest is…
A walk around Virtual Mars
Ever wondered what it would be like to climb the largest mountain in the solar system? Okay, so that may not be possible on HoloLens just yet, but you may just be able to see it in the distance as you are walking on Virtual Mars following the path that the Rover took on. A…