Tag: windows
Windows 10 Installer Found In New Update
It’s the beginning of a whole new Windows for users of the previous 7 and 8.1 versions of the operating system – a new update for both older versions has been revealed to contain an installer program for Windows 10. The update, which is optional and known as the ‘KB3035583 update’, includes a file called “GWXUXWorker.EXE” which holds…
More Lumia Phones To Get Windows 10
Lumia Windows phones haven’t yet all been given the opportunity to try the new Windows 10 operating system for mobile devices – Microsoft previously stated that at first the OS would be arriving on mid-level phones, so up until recently the entire Lumia range for example has not yet been upgraded, The reason for some…
Internet Explorer Support Discontinued
Microsoft is getting ready to promote and move over to a new web browser for Windows 10. Internet Explorer, which has lagged behind in speed and security for the last few years, is to be replaced by a new web browser known as Spartan, which is to include much anticipated new features. Windows 10’s release…
Pirates Won’t Get Free Windows 10 Upgrade
It’s not a great idea to pirate your operating system these days, especially a Microsoft one. Whilst of course there are ways to circumvent the law, you can’t run and hide from the anti piracy measures forever. In fact, as is the case with the upcoming Windows 10, anti piracy measures are going to be…
Windows 10 Xbox App Updated
The app for Windows 10 that interacts with the Xbox one has recently been given a fresh set of upgrades, plus the speculation continues on just what cross compatibility features will be coming next for the console and the operating system. Already we’ve learned that games from the Xbox will be playable on the PC,…
Microsoft Lumia 430 Hits Low Costing Just £50
Microsoft’s most inexpensive Windows Phone handset to date, the Lumia 430, will launch this April costing the equivalent of just £50. No longer buddied up with Nokia, Microsoft has driven the Lumia brand to previously unexplored areas of the market and now brought it down to a budget-friendly price platform with the Lumia 430 – a…
Microsoft offers to convert your Android Phone to Windows 10
Microsoft are so keen on their upcoming Windows 10 Mobile operating system they are even trying to get android users to switch, Microsoft have recently disclosed that its trailing a version of Windows 10 that can be installed on Android devices. The trial currently only being run with a select group of Xiaomi Mi 4…
VLC Player App Gets Full Release on Windows Phone
VLC Media Player is the video platform of choice for many desktop PC and Mac users and after floating around in beta form for mobiles for some time it’s finally getting a full release for Windows Phone. Developer VideoLAN released the VLC player in 2001 as an open-source cross media platform for home computers. In…
Why Hasn’t My Phone Got Windows 10?
It’s been a question echoed around the Windows phone community ever since Microsoft announced the Windows 10 Phone preview – just why hasn’t Windows 10 arrived my phone yet? So far Windows 10 for mobile phones, which was promised as part of the ‘unified operating system’ concept that Windows 10 embodies, has been very elusive.…
Microsoft Offering UK Business Trial on Windows Phones
Microsoft is allowing UK business owners a chance to get to grips with Windows Phone by trialling a selection of Lumia handsets. Windows is the most widely used computing platform and is found in a majority of offices across the globe. With Windows 10 just announced Microsoft looks to continue its 30 years of success…
Surface Pro 3 Business Bundle – Save Around £135
Microsoft is offering a deal on its Surface Pro 3 Business Bundle which can save UK buyers up to £134.98 for a limited time only. The Surface Pro 3 package on sale here is designed for power, portability and productivity and comes with Window 8.1 Pro out of the box. The tablet offers a generous…
Mainstream Support Ends For Windows 7
It seems like only yesterday that Windows XP support was ended by Microsoft, and now the company has announced that the Windows 7 operating system will be experiencing the same kind of support redaction in the next few months. Microsoft plans to end ‘mainstream’ support for the operating system, which is currently one of the…