Top 5 Android apps from 2012 revealed by Google

With over 600,000 apps and counting in the Play Store, it’s fairly safe to say that these days Android smartphone and tablet users have plenty of choice when it comes to downloading new wares. Google’s digital store has almost caught up with the now synonymously named ‘App Store’ of Apple’s on iOS.

As Apple did a few weeks back, the big G has named its favourite apps from the past year, and there have been some crackers. Google’s favourite apps list is bound to contain at least one app that you’ve heard of, and it’s also a great look if you’re always keen to try something new.

For example, the fantastic Evernote is probably the best cross-platform note taking apps out there. It’s free and you can add text, voice and picture notes within seconds and bring them up on your PC, or on an iOS or Android mobile device. There’s also Pixlr Express, which is a brilliant and free picture editor that lets you do everything from simple crops to filters and effects to jazz up your pictures.

Unlike Apple, Google hasn’t picked out the top-selling or most downloaded apps to highlight in its favourites list. There’s no sign of any games in the list, nor is the current most downloaded app Facebook, which recently got a much-needed upgrade to version 2.0.

Throughout the year we’ve picked up a handful of apps that we’ve become dependant on in our daily lives, some of which we now couldn’t be without on an Android smartphone. We’re big lovers of Pocket, which is an app that allows you to save any webpage for reading later when you don’t have an internet connection, for example. Another favourite is Xbox SmartGlass for the Xbox 360 gamers out there, or Kayak if you’re looking for something to keep you organised when travelling.

Tell us your favourite Android apps from the past year!