Windows 8 “app store” – Further proof? Concept mirrors Apple store

Further proof may have emerged of a Windows 8 app store after a code check obtained references relating to what closely resembles Apple’s own one-stop app-shop.

Reports and graphics released by Windows8Italia contain details of a Microsoft version of the app store (name not final, hold back those lawyers Apple!). The store is set to feature free and paid apps for the PC with detailed ratings, and reviews with accompanying developer feedback which some believe mirrors the Apple alternative very closely.

Devolopers will need to provide detailed descriptions, screen captures and system requirements before an app will become available to users with the Windows 8 app store requiring specifications of minimum hardware for apps that require features such as a webcam or other peripherals.

Following the Microsoft standard, the Windows 8 app store is also suggested to provide a “trial version” of applications so no repeat downloads will be required. If the user likes an app, they can simply unlock a fully usable version.

A very obscure logo which is supposedly the Windows 8 app store logo has also appeared online. The image gives nothing away and following some fake screenshots recently surfacing, we’ve every right to be a little sceptical about all these leaks today.

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