WWE ’13 Officially Announced with Cover Art Revealed – Attitude Era is Back!

So, let’s pretend you didn’t see that leaked trailer last week and act all surprised when the Gadget Helpline tells you that WWE ’13 has just been officially announced, with the box art unveiled in a live segment on weekly televised wrestling show Monday Night RAW – YES!

WWE kicked off its promotional campaign for the next instalment of the popular wrestling gaming series from THQ live on TV last night with Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, RAW GM and generally nasty boss character of WWE programming John Laurinaitis taking to the ring during the Monday show to talk of his popularity since his recent victory over WWE poster boy and merchandise machine John Cena and of his “People Power” ideals.

With this the GM unveiled the new artwork for WWE ’13 featuring the grinning mug of “Big Johnny” himself. Clearly we know better – because the true artwork was spoilerized last week. And so did reigning WWE Champion CM Punk who interrupted the celebrations to grab the mic (or his “pipebomb”) to berate the much-hated GM, comparing his genitalia to Pac-Man’s (suggesting neither have any) and to reveal a much larger version of the real cover art which unrolls from the ceiling and features the Straight Edge Superstar himself, standing before the red “X” from a series of earlier “Revolution” teaser videos.

An interesting observation on the new artwork for WWE ’13 is a logo which appears in the top right corner and reads “WWE Attitude”. Legions of fans fondly recall the late 90s “Attitude Era”. This was a period when the WWE was still the WWF and sports entertainment broke free from its PG shackles under the championing of the beer-guzzling, middle-finger taunting anti-hero Stone Cold Steve Austin. We already know from the leaked video that both Austin and fellow Attitude Era superstar Mankind will both appear in the game and if this is the direction WWE ’13 is taking then legions of fans will be celebrating with a beer bash and a big HELL YEAH!

WWE ’13 as we found out in last week’s video, will go on sale on the 1st of November 2012 and could bring a social wrestling game community to Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.

Within the very same live segment the “Digital Company of the Year” revealed that #WWE13 was a top Twitter trend just moments after the big reveal confirming the WWE’s spot as a dominating force in social media.

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