Xbox One May System Update – Power Modes, Voice Messaging and Dedicated Chat Servers

The Xbox One May system update has been released and with it comes new power settings as well as improvements to the way you communicate with mates the Xbox Live community.

Voice Messaging and Dedicated Chat Servers:

First up, and based on user feedback, you can now enjoy one of the most requested features from the Xbox forums which will allow you to record and send voice mails via the Xbox messages. Short bursts of audio can be captured via a mic or the Kinect and whizzed across to your gamer pals on not only Xbox One but also Xbox 360. This additional way of communicating by voice, without the need to be in chat, can be accessed by a quick double tap of the Xbox button when in the snapped messages app.

Continuing on from successful trialling in March, all Xbox One users will also benefit from the use of dedicated chat servers starting from this update. Initially offered up to preview members, this has been seen to resolve some of the NAT and stability issues chat users have been experiencing on the Xbox One and access to these servers is now being made available to everyone. Microsoft admits this step is work-in-progress but it’s a big step towards ironing out all the bugs and ending those sudden chat drop-outs.

Selectable Power Modes & Power On/Off with SmartGlass:

Along with improved communication tools Xbox One users will also be given a wider choice of options when it comes to powering their console and how much power it actually consumes.

User selectable power modes are something Microsoft has addressed before with its Xbox 360 and now offers the same to Xbox One owners. A choice of Instant-On or Energy Saving Mode are now available, with the former allowing users to turn on the console using the voice command “Xbox on” and the console will receive all system, app and game updates while the console is at rest – the latter setting means the console will consume minimum required power, will not receive any of the updates in the background and will need to be turned on via the Xbox button on the unit rather than the controller or by voice.

SmartGlass gets a bigger role in the Xbox One May update and can now be used to power on/power off the console. Support for this feature will be available on any Windows, Windows Phone, iOS and Android devices with the SmartGlass app installed and that are running on the same wireless network as the Xbox One – putting power in the palm of your hand.

Microsoft once again answers its fans with some neat features pulled from the suggestions on its forums from actual Xbox users, something PlayStation has only just began doing almost a year and a half after the next gen console revolution kicked off.

Also See: PS4 Gamers Invited to Tweet Their Update Suggestions