YouTube Live Streaming – Coming Soon

Video site Youtube is finally ready to challenge Mirativ, Periscope and Facebook Live etc for a slice of the livestream pie.

Youtube are installing Live Mobile Video Broadcasting directly into the very core of their app.

“You won’t need to open anything else, just hit the big red capture button right there in the corner, take or select a photo to use as a thumbnail, and you can broadcast live to your fans and chat in near real time

The above excerpt was taken straight from the Youtube blog and sounds quite good, if this is actually the case.

As with normal youtube functions, the app will provide search, recommendations, viewing controls, alerts etc,

Live video alerts will be sent to your subs when you go live and you can also enable the chat function if you wish to speak with your viewers when streaming

The Video giant has also promised that, because it is on Youtube, it will be faster and more reliable than anything else out there. Shots very squarely fired but the proof will be in the pudding so to speak.

As things stand currently, only a select few Youtubers have access to the Livestream enabled app. Youtube promise that it will be rolling out much more widely soon.