App update finally brings program downloads to BBC iPlayer for Android

The BBC has pushed out an update that finally brings about the ability to download TV shows to watch offline using its iPlayer for Android app.

The feature, which has been on Apple iOS devices for some time now, allows the user to find a BBC show which has been on recently and hit download. Once downloaded and stored on a smartphone or tablet, the user then has 30 days to watch it and seven days to finish watching a show once the play button has been pressed.

This feature is especially ideal for those with Android tablets, as most will only get online with a Wi-Fi connection – no good if you want to watch some telly on the train or at the beach! Shows can be downloaded for watching during times when an internet connection isn’t available, which we know many will love.

Surprisingly, the Android app one-ups the iOS version by allowing the user to start downloads and have them running in the background whilst watching another program or using another app. On an iPhone or iPad, this simply isn’t possible.

Downloads can be done in either standard or high quality, depending on how quickly you want to get the file onto your device and how bothered you are about HD. Tablet devices will automatically download in high quality to make the most of the larger screen sizes.

Unfortunately the new download feature isn’t compatible with every Android device out there – and there are a lot of them. Devices compatible to start with are: HTC One, Nexus 7 (2012, 2013), Nexus 4, Nexus 10, Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, Tab 2 (7-inch), Sony Xperia Z and Kindle Fire 8.9.

If your Android gadget isn’t on the list then fear not as the Beeb says that more devices will be added in the near future. If your device is compatible then you can pick up the new update from the Google Play Store now.