Gaming Weekly: Arkham City Trailer, New Counter Strike Game Modes and Perhaps Dead Space 3

Israeli News Team Might’ve Just Outed Dead Space 3

Space-mutant-zombie fans may have to raise their voices in joy over this one, as an Israeli news team working for a show bluntly known as “The Headlines” got a tour of the offices of none other than Dead Space developers Visceral Studios, subsequently capturing the graphic above during their newscast.

Hopefully this could perhaps be a confirmation of another title in the chilling sci-fi horror series, which experienced a runaway success worldwide thanks to both an intense marketing campaign by EA.

Recent job postings at visceral combined with the fast-sell of the last Dead Space could point to this being a good indicator of future titles, but readers should remember that nothing is set in stone and this could just be a hilarious gag at the gaming world’s expense.

Counter Strike’s Gun Game Mod Graduates To Full Game Mode In Global Offensive

Valve has revealed two new game modes included in the release of the upcoming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.  Popular mod Gun Game is set to be transformed into two full game types – Arsenal: Arms Race along with Arsenal: Demolition. Gun Game is a set scenario where players start with a handgun and gradually attain more powerful equipment via killing enemies.

For those of you that think Counter-strike Global Offensive is just ripping off Call of Duty with the announcement of the addition of Gun Game here’s an explanation. The original incarnation of Gun Game appeared as a CS mod a while back, with COD’s inclusion of Gun Game (and of similar game types, such as Search and Destroy – comparable with Counter Strike’s ‘demolition’ mode) was motivated by the fact that big game companies used to, and still sometimes can, take a modder’s idea and incorporate it into a game because the modder isn’t in a position to sue a large company such as Activision.

Valve on the other hand are a lot more hands-on with modders, in the case of Gun Game they have extensively partnered with the modding community to insure any intellectual property is fairly used and fairly paid for. It hasn’t yet revealed how Gun Game will be incorporated into Arsenal, but Valve has promised the inclusion of eight new maps to play the new mode in.

“We are excited that Valve reached out and is working with us to ensure Arsenal Mode is the best version of Gun Game,” said Gun Game project lead Michael Barr.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is currently in development with an early 2012 release pending for Windows PCs, Mac OS, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 (Allow Valve Time).

New Batman Arkham City trailer Pops In For A Visit With The Joker

This is coolest thing we have ever seen. Check out this article for info on pre-order bonuses for those who want Arkham City and extra bits too on release.

You will have to pop on over to to see it but use the Vid below.

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Nvidia Reports Massive PC Gaming Increase In Next 3 Years

Designer of GPUs of prestige NVIDIA have release some tasty stats on the PC gaming market, highlighting a current and future trend of more money being spent in the PC gaming sector than the console market, with a predicted trend of PC outselling console in the next three years.

The new figures along with claims from NVIDIA staff were released in a conversation with Techgage, but sadly only relate to US sales. The data itself comes from research firm DFC Intelligence, and highlights the benefits of free-to-play micro-transaction model services to both the traditional boxed game market and also to social network games as well.

The stats contain little hints to mobile gaming, however NVIDIA’s recent push into new chip technology may point to a large investment and growth in that area in the near future.

DFC also believes that by 2013 online sales and new business models will completely outstrip those at retail outlets, a potential death toll for your local game store. Oh dear.

Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero Dev Has A Shooter In The Works

A long time ago, developer Neversoft was once a great force within Activision’s internal development team, in a time before Blizzard and WOW and Infinity Ward and COD arrived. This was a simple time, when stoned teenagers required non-stressful offline multiplayer-based skateboarding games to pass their time. These were some of the best times for gaming, a time when ‘social gaming’ was more geared towards crowding around a split screen rather than on your own staring at a website.

Ever since Guitar Hero was iced, Neversoft has been doing, well, not much really… so the news that the studio is on the lookout for a “Windows PC Platform Lead Engineer: FPS.” with “a strong passion for and experience with First Person Shooters” and “Online infrastructure experience including Steam distribution and security and anti-cheat systems.”

Guns? Shooter games? Oh man, if they combined guns and skateboards that would rule.

Watch this space for sure.