The problems seem to be never ending for Apple at the moment, first it was the “wave” prank, then came “bend gate” and now iOS 8.0.1 has run into a spot of bother too.

iOS 8.0.1 was available over the air yesterday for around an hour and fifteen minutes, before it was pulled due to issues with the update causing handsets to no longer receive signal and disabling the Touch ID service on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus handsets.

Also See: Apple iPhone 6 Left Users Bent Out Of Shape

Originally there was an issue with iOS 8 and a HealthKit bug that resulted in the app being pulled from the app store. iOS 8.0.1 was then released to fix the original bug, allowing the app to then be re-released. iOS 8.0.1 also included fixes for third-party keyboards, Reachability, Photo Library, SMS/MMS messages, and more

Apple have said they are investigating the issue and has now released a supporting document confirming that the new iOS 8.0.2 update in the pipeline, does in fact fix the issue.

Also See: ‘Wave’ Hoax – Don’t Microwave Your iPhone!

Prior to the new iOS 8.0.2 update being released, Apple have advised users to reinstall the previous version –iOS 8 via iTunes.

The instructions below are how Apple advise to revert back your OS:

   Follow these steps to reinstall iOS 8.0.

  1. Make sure that you’re using the latest version of iTunes.
  2. Connect your iPhone to iTunes.
  3. Back up your iPhone in iTunes on your Mac or PC. iCloud backups won’t restore to earlier versions, including iOS 8.0.
  4. Download the file below that corresponds to your device:

iPhone 6
iPhone 6 Plus

  1. Select the file you just downloaded by doing one of these in iTunes:

   – Mac: Press the Option key and click Check for Update.

   – Windows: Press the Shift key and click Check for Update.

  1. Press Update to install iOS 8 on your iPhone.

   The Health app won’t work in iOS 8 after these steps. It will be fixed in our upcoming iOS 8.0.2 software update.

Also See: How to Remove Unwanted Free U2 Album from iTunes

Apple are already working on a new (fix) update iOS 8.0.2 and is said to be ready and available “in the next few days.”


Source: MacRumors