Nintendo 3DS takes a step back from 3rd dimension – now also plays in 2D

Nintendo 3DS blasts its way onto UK shelves in just two days on March 25th and will be the first of its kind to bring the portable gaming experience into the third dimension.

After hyping that fact for months now, it would appear Nintendo are backpedalling a little, with some of its prototype full 3D games being dropped. Apparently Nintendo will be pushing a much larger focus on the standard two dimensional elements instead.

The company seem to have realised that they have been seriously neglecting a number of gamers who aren’t able to view 3D images, and as such are now making a plea to win back the 2D crowd by making all of its 3DS games accessible to all players, in some fashion.

Nintendo Producer Hideki Konno says “We want to get software out to as many people as possible, and there are some people who just can’t see 3D. We’re moving away from any stance that says if you don’t use the 3D functionality you can’t play this game.”

The Nintendo 3DS comes with a slider bar that allows gamers to switch on and off the 3D elements of a game, some of which had previously been essential to the game play. Now anybody will be able to enjoy the full gaming experience, with or without the 3D feature enabled.

Good news for all Nintendo fans with a pair of funtioning eyes, but with a price tag of around £200 for the portable gaming gadget, sadly gamers stuck in two dimensions may be left with eyes watering after forking out for a gaming gadget where 3D is key!

Are you 3D or 2D? We want to hear from all you gamers! Tweet at us on our official Twitter page  @Gadget_Helpline!