Tag: LCD
R.I.P. Plasma TV as LG Ceases Production
Things are moving on in the television market. Today, the televisions found in the most cutting edge living rooms are festooned with new features designed to take screen technology and high definition programming into a new, exciting era. Abbreviations such as ‘OLED’, ‘LCD’, ‘4k’ and ‘5k’ are being thrown around, as well as the phrase…
Jaw-Dropping 75-inch Samsung ES9000 TV Now on Sale For $17,424
Not content with the ES8000, Samsung has gone one better with this behemoth TV, the 75-inch ES9000…
Has Best Buy Leaked Apple ‘iTV’ HDTV Details in a Customer Survey?
The Apple HDTV rumour mill is about to step up a notch, as U.S retailer Best Buy seems to have spread details of the unannounced product willy-nilly in a customer survey. Although many rumours have circulated about Apple planning to release a Smart HDTV later this year, in its traditional style, the company hasn’t confirmed…
Steve Jobs’ Biography confirms Apple is making a Smart HDTV
Steve Jobs’ long-awaited biography has recently hit store shelves and the Kindle eBook store a few days early, and naturally Apple fans and tech fiends everywhere are already reading it, looking out for any insights into Apple’s future plans. One very interesting piece of information we’ve found in Walter Isaacson’s biography of Jobs regards Apple…
Sharp 8K4K TV Demonstrates Super Hi Vision Quality
A little over a week ago we wrote this article about the London Olympic Games being broadcast in Super Hi Vision on three screens across the UK. We mentioned that Super Hi Vision technology was still a long way off in terms of Home Entertainment, but Sharp were currently developing an 85-inch prototype model. That…
IFA 2011: LG, Sharp and Philips announce Smart TV Apps
LG, Sharp and Philips announce Smart TV Apps collaboration to bring a conformity across the LCD TV super brands. Apps have been one of the biggest revolutions in the tech industry with the word and feature of applications rising from nowhere to become the must-have feature on any modern gadget. One of the latest Gadgets…
Critics already out on Sony, Toshiba, Hitachi LCD team-up
Backed by Japanese Government funding, tech-titans Sony, Toshiba and Hitachi are combining forces to begin work on a range of “medium-sized” LCD displays for use on portable gadgets such as mobile phones and tablets. Taking the fight to neighbouring rivals, such as LG of South Korea and Samsung of Taiwan, the new super-union will be…
Panasonic announce company’s first Full HD 3D Home Theater Projector
Panasonic has just unveiled its latest offering for the home cinema fan, the new PT-AE7000U projector supporting both full HD along with 3D capabilities. In fact, the new PT-AE7000U happens to be the world’s first 3D projector to utilise transparent LCD panels which will not only deliver full HD at 1080p, it can also deliver exceptional…
Television Electricity Consumption Falls by More Than Half
Is the green campaign working? Maybe something huge is needed to save the environment from the inevitable doom that we are apparently hurtling towards; something like an o-zone machine, a giant freezer for the ice-caps, a magic wand, that sort of thing. If so us gadget lovers in our average households will have to leave…
Gadget HELP! – Samsung LE40C530 40 Inch LCD TV and resetting the TV memory
We at The Gadget Helpline get hundreds of calls a week from frustrated customers looking for support and help with their Gadgets and electronic goods, so we thought we would share some of our help to the world. Today we have received a call where one of our dedicated agents provided support on a Samsung…