Twitter Introduces New Profiles for Android Users

Twitter has recently been tweaking its Android app to make it work more naturally with smartphone and tablet gestures and now this can be noticed on user profile pages which have received quite a significant make-over.

Utilising the side swipe gesture on the Android’s touchscreen (which Twitter only recently seems to have discovered) we can now navigate between a user’s tweets, photos and favourites from their profile section. This presents a clean looking profile that is uncluttered and easy to flip between. If you want to read only the text based tweets it’s a flip to the left, or to just see photo activity in a gallery style without sifting through all the other posts and expanding them it’s a flip to the middle column, and to see a person’s favourite twitter posts there’s another column further over to the right.

Of course, comparisons have already been drawn to the Facebook app which uses a similar column/side-swipe format but the new profile layout is receiving positive feedback and has been trialled successfully on the Twitter for iOS app for a little while now. It’s a welcome addition to the Android app which recently introduced a swipe to dismiss feature for photo and media posts on the main tweet feed.

Also See: Twitter Adds Swipe to Dismiss to Remove Unwanted Pics

Twitter’s updates of late have been a bit hit and miss and we’ve had to endure a few unwanted additions like promoted posts and an intrusive ‘while you were away’ feature that drops posts you may have missed right at the top of the news feed. Both of these have annoyed the tweeting masses but we assure you, the new profiles actually look pretty good and function better.

Also See: Twitter for Android Updates to Include “While you were away”

Slowly but surely Twitter for Android is getting more user-friendly, more welcoming and overall a better place to hang out and spend a bit more time on connecting with online pals – which is the most important thing in our minds if Twitter wants to lure social networkers away from Facebook. It’s certainly taking some hints from it.