Twitter unveils new group Direct Messages and video sharing features

While I’m sure we can all agree, Twitter is very much a public social media platform, but saying that it has always had the ability to allow users to send private messages to each other if they wish – also known as Direct Messaging. Well today, Twitter has announced a couple new features which are likely to appeal to a lot of users.

Twitter users will today be able to take advantage of a new group messaging feature which has been implemented into Direct Messaging. It works in a similar way to current IM apps such as WhatsApp in that you can start a chat with another user and start inviting other to join in. For anyone that has used Direct Messaging, you will know that in order to send someone a message you actually have to be following each other; while this is still the case when sending messages to each other, within the group message feature, other parties do not necessarily have to be following each other in order to send and receive messages.

Also, in addition to the new group messaging functionality, Twitter also unveiled another new feature that will allow its users to record, edit and share short video clips to their Twitter feeds. Some may be aware that Twitter purchased the popular Vine social network that allowed users to post short 6 second videos, this feature works independently of this and allows for longer videos to be added which are capped at 30 seconds.

The new features are being rolled out gradually to all users, but even if your account hasn’t been updated yet, you can still view videos and be invited into conversations from people whose account has been updated.

Make sure you check out the video below which gives a brief introduction to Group Messages, and don’t forget to let us know your thoughts on the new features.