Fake Angry Birds ‘Theme Park’ operating in China

As you’ve maybe read, those Angry Birds have recently reached 350-million downloads and flown the coop landing in China for the grand launch the brand and the popular feather-flinging app game for iPhone, iPod and Android gadgets in the Far East, as well as introducing a new stage for its Seasons spin-off to celebrate the Chinese mid-Autumn Moon Festival. And like everything that looks set to be successful in China, there would obviously come some ‘cheep’ imposters.


Check out the Angry Birds ‘theme park’ discovered in Changsha, China which tries to (and fails to) replicate that big ‘real-life’ Angry Birds game we saw in the recent T-Mobile promo video. This disastrous imitation takes the familiar setting of colourfully constructed platforms and a massive catapult and makes it look utterly cruddy.

Players forking out for a game get to fire toy birds, presumably sewn in a bootleg sweatshop, which have absolutely no effect on the structure on impact. It’s totally pointless, but players who are lured in by the Angry Birds label have been lapping up the rip-off sadly believing it to be the real deal -just like those shoppers at the recently closed fake Apple Stores.

We don’t know what creator of the official Angry Birds franchise, Rovio, has to say about this, but bearing in mind ambitious boss Peter Vesterbacka’s sharp tongue and temperamental character we’d think these fakers under fire very soon – We’d certainly flip them the bird.


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