From now on if you’re looking to buy a tablet, smart watch or mobile phone from Google’s Play Store, you’ll soon be relocated to a brand new Google store for devices only. The amount of kit you can buy on the Play Store has increased so much that Google have decided that it can all be sold in one place, as opposed to scattered amongst the apps and media found on the Play Store.

The store is called the Google Store, dropping the ‘Play’, and will be stocked with all of Google’s own branded gear, including smartphones, tablets, Chromebooks, Chromecast, Android Wear devices and accessories. Also appearing on the new Google Store are all the necessary bits and pieces for setting up Nest, a home automation system, in your home.

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It’s not the first time Google have tried to make a dedicated space oline to sell hardware and physical products – a while back in 2010 the company made a store to sell the first Google Nexus device, but ended up scrapping it due to problems.

“We’ve been selling our devices on Google Play for years, but as we’ve added more products to the family, we thought it was time to make it easier for you to learn more about them.”

– Google Blog

Other companies such as Apple have benefited from the separation of hardware and software as a business model – over on Apple’s site there’s a clear distinction between the App Store and hardware sales. Google’s new store will most likely be as successful, especially with the continuing release of Android Wear and Chromebook products that they are now well known for.

Currently heading up the front page of the new store is the Nexus 6, but scrolling down reveals an Android promotion, the Nexus 9, the Chromecast TV streaming dongle, as well as the Chromebook range and a whole host of Android Wear watches and accessories.

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If you;re looking for a product from Google, the new store is not only the best place to start but also is quite stylish and informative. Even if you’re planning to go through a third party seller, it’s definitely a good jumping off point if you need some more info.

Also, Google have been offering a webcam chat service for hardware sales of late, and this feature no doubt is integrated into the new store. To celebrate the Store’s release, there’s free shipping on some products for a limited time.

Store: Google Store

Source: Google Blog