Google To Use Video Chat For Sales

Getting face to face with someone with real technical know-how is often difficult for consumers, especially when they’re in the market for expensive tech. Whilst any company offering sales advice is likely to steer consumers towards their devices, a new video chat sales service from Google may be a bit more personal as it gives you the opportunity to talk to a Google employee direct about devices.

It’s not yet been detailed exactly what devices will be sold through the service, or whether it’ll include Android devices which aren’t manufactured by Google. What is known is that the video service is currently in the works and will be a continuation of Google’s 2013 service Helpouts, which allowed users to market their skills via video chat.

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A Google spokesperson said that limited trials of the service are already underway, and that at the moment Google is testing, developing and receiving feedback on the new service, which has been described as ‘Google’s own Genius bar’. Of course as we all know Genius is Apple’s face to face service which allows Apple Store visitors to get a personal sales service from store personnel.

With Google’s video service it could mean that their sales advice becomes more universal – indeed worldwide audiences already have the opportunity to check out the service, which was currently sneaked onto the Google Play Store last November. Head to the Devices category and then check the help icon on the top right corner. Once you select the option that says you are looking to purchase a device, the video call option may appear.

Personalized video tech support is one of the many ways Google is looking to expand their influence on customers. Since there’s no Google Stores or Google locations in the real world, launching the service on their own internet domain is the next best thing. But it’s not the only way Google wants to interact with customers.

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Apparently, the service also may actually hit stores with some kind of in-store pipeline to Google sales staff – some kind of screen or booth where customers can go with their queries. There’s no real information out apart from this suggestion, but if it does happen there may be increased interest in doing customers a similar service from other companies.

Would you chat with a sales adviser on a dedicated screen in-store? It seems to be a bit of a strange experience, leaving the home to go to a store just to talk to a person on a screen. Whether any of this takes off in a big way therefore remains to be seem.

Via: Techcrunch

Via: The Next Web