HTC Bass (formerly Runnymede) becomes HTC Sensation XL? – Leaked video also appears online

Rumours abound today, suggesting that the previously report of the HTC Runnymede becoming the HTC Bass isn’t so. Despite an online retailer posting a product marker for the ‘Beats by Dre’ branded musical mobile, spotting the new name, the title of the handset is now said to be the HTC Sensation XL.

This, of course, would bring the former HTC Bass – and HTC Runnymede – into uniform with sensational special edition variant of HTC’s flagship smartphone, which is confirmed to be called HTC Sensation XE.

The HTC Sensation XL, if it does in fact become known as such, will come in running Google’s Android 2.3.4 software and is said to feature 1.5GHz CPU, 768MB of RAM, potential for 16 to 32GB of additional storage, a generous 4.7” qHD display touchscreen with an 8-megapixel shooter – and those all-important Beats audio features including choice of in-ear or over-ear headphones.

Just as we got used to a nice simpler title for the ambiguously spelt Runnymede, HTC may have changed its tune once again, but for now this name-change is purely rumour. HTC always have a hard time keeping a secret, so perhaps we’ll see this one become true in the coming weeks.

Speaking of HTC and its leaks – enjoy this newly escaped video of the HTC Runnymede/Bass/Sensation XL in action:

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