Tag: toy story
Disney Mobile Releases Toy Story Smash It! App for Apple iOS and Android
Disney Mobile has made its first giant leap into the smartphone and tablet gaming market as its new app, Toy Story: Smash It! blasts off on Android and Apple iOS gadgets from today. Toy Story: Smash It! costs a meagre 69p/99c and from the get-go you’ll notice the style of play borrows heavily from the…
Disney Infinity Starter Pack Pre-orders Now Taken Through Toys R Us (£50)
UK online retailer is now taking orders for Disney Interactive’s exciting new game platform which is released on 28th of June.
Disney Infinity Revealed – Cross Franchise Video Game & Collectable Figures Arriving in June
Disney Interactive has announced its response to Skylanders and brings its most beloved characters together for the first time.
Disney Infinity Revealed – Cross Franchise Video Game & Collectable Figures Arriving in June
Disney Interactive has announced its response to Skylanders and brings its most beloved characters together for the first time.
Kids Favour Apple iPad Over Action Man Says Survey
Reports suggest that more and more kids are putting down traditional playthings and picking up new age gadgets – as old faves Action Man and Barbie go back in the toy box to make way for a new generation of high tech toys! It’s a real life Toy Story, as a survey by child-friendly tablet…
The Career of Steve Jobs “celebrated” in Taiwanese animated feature
The biggest tech news this week is, of course, the resignation of Steve Jobs as CEO of Apple Inc. Everyone has done their own unique tribute to the man, the myth, the legend. The Gadget Helpline even did its own in the form of a Memorial Through Memorabilia – featuring some of the amazing and…