Windows 10 is getting along fantastically, with a triumphant Microsoft giving us weekly announcements of the software’s success amongst new developer mode users and early adopters. The operating system, which Microsoft CEO proudly announced will ‘run on everything’ is headed for mass adoption once the kinks are all ironed out, as any good Microsoft OS should.

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Testers are creating reams of feedback to make sure those kinks are truly flattened before the Windows 10 is released, sometime in the first half of next year, apparently.

However, amidst the success are a few little speedbumps, and in this case it’s the revelation that Microsoft has been doing a little bit of borrowing… from Apple.

Microsoft’s smug, flashy rivals are known for their ‘development’ (i.e. copyrighting) of features found across the tech industry, almost always having come up with something first, even if somebody else already built it but didn’t get famous. Anyway, mudslinging aside, the story says that Microsoft’s gone and got themselves some new gestures – right out of Apple’s OS X.

Gestures should be well at home on Windows 10, after all, the OS is Windows in the smartphone generation.

Whether Apple’s corps of sombre cybernetic lawyers are being defrosted and unplugged from cryo-sleep as we speak in response remains to be seen, but in case you’re wondering what we’re on about, here are a few examples of what may be considered some sort of ‘breach of copyright’.

The main gripe from Apple fanbois is that Windows 10 includes a feature where one can swipe up with three fingers to activate the new window system. The gesture can be used to minimise and maximise windows, as well as open up the new Task View.

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Of course, the fanbois point out that both of these features are Apple property, the three finger swipe is used on OS X to bring up Mission Control, which is awfully similar to Microsoft’s Task viewer.

Additionally, three finger swiping left and right switches between active app windows, another feature Apple fans have staked a claim to for their favourite OS. Whether or not these features are about to spark a legal battle is unclear, however, they are on their way. Microsoft’s Joe belfiore stated that the next Windows 10 tester update would include these questionable finger movements for users to try their hand at.

The update was billed by Belfiore as ‘coming soon’ so beta testers should be on the lookout for any of Apple’s intellectual finger-property as and when it hits Windows 10.

Source: The Verge

Via: Techspot